Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What a bad day!

This few days, bad things occured on me continuously. I was really bad luck. First of all, i had lost my wallet, which was Body Glove in brand. Friends, if u all had saw my wallet, please return it back to me. I really want it back because it was the first birthday present gift by LY. I really don wan to lost it. Even there was no more money inside, i got wan the casing of it. Hope you guys know what is the look of my wallet. It was grey in colour. Kinda similar with Nicholas's wallet. Body Glove brand, inside contain almos RM60 with a couple photo and two love shape that folded by RM10.

Secondly, i had lost a teacher that teach us English. It had changed to Mdm Olivia for our English lesson. It makes me feel damn boring when she was teaching. I can sure that, not over 20 people were listening to what she said. When she was teaching, many of us include me were chatting with friends. As usual, when Mdm Farah was teaching us, all of us will listen concentrately and she said, sometimes she will entertainent us. Thats why we wont felt boring when she was teaching because beside than learning or archieving English, we can laugh.

Results that returned by the teachers. It was really an uncomplicated result. I had no even a As. I forget what marks did i get but i knew that LY had helped me to record it. Compare to her results, mine was definitely rubbish, trash or garbage. Maybe i will do better next time because of some promise. I wonder will my results getting better because i need to put some small effort in our DotA's clan that we created few days ago. I need to get ready for a few clan matches because i'm a part of it and also define as an important player ^_^.

Guess what stupid thing i did, today i used back my Bilabong wallet. I put RM50 inside it. WTF. I leave it again in my Chemistry's tuition. Seriously, what the hell am i doing? I was just like a stupid dunno anything can keep facing unlucky things. Guess what, because of having my chemistry's tuition, i cant have my nap and i sleep impurposely just now. About 7.00++p.m. because my brother is using the PC. For sure, LY sms-ed me. When i wake up, it was already 10.10pm and i quickly replied her. Guess what, i think you all know what will happened and there is no more points for me to list it down here. Wish God Bless Me.

Should i list some information about my DotA's clan? Erm, maybe you guys should go 3ast.blogspot.com for more information, those information will be upload soon.

This is all from me today, i really down now and dunno what should i do.

Legendary Alvin

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